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Create a report chunk for disability indicators


report_op_disability(format = "html")



Either html, docx, or odt. Defaults to html.


A reporting chunk for disability indicators


Ernest Guevarra


#> # Disability
#> ## Overall
#> ```{r wgPlot}
#> oldr::chart_wg(x = oldr::create_op_all(svy = svy), save_chart = FALSE)
#> ```
#> ```{r wgTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[75:79, ],
#>   caption = 'Overall disability',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) %>%
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) %>%
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Vision
#> ```{r visionTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[51:54, ],
#>   caption = 'Disability related to vision',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) %>%
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) %>%
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Hearing
#> ```{r hearingTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[55:58, ],
#>   caption = 'Disability related to hearing',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) %>%
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) %>%
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Mobility
#> ```{r mobilityTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[59:62, ], caption = 'Disability related to mobility', digits = 2)
#> ```
#> ## Remembering
#> ```{r rememberingTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[63:66, ],
#>   caption = 'Disability related to remembering',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) %>%
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) %>%
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Self-care
#> ```{r selfCareTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[67:70, ],
#>   caption = 'Disability related to self-care',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) %>%
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) %>%
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Communicating
#> ```{r communicatingTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[71:74, ],
#>   caption = 'Disability related to communicating',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) %>%
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) %>%
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```