Create a report chunk for health and health-seeking behaviour indicators
Create a report chunk for health and health-seeking behaviour indicators
#> # Health
#> ## Chronic illness
#> ```{r chronicTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[95:96, ],
#> caption = 'Prevalence of chronic illness',
#> booktabs = TRUE,
#> digits = 2,
#> col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) %>%
#> kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) %>%
#> kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ### Reasons for not taking drugs for long term disease
#> ```{r reasonsChronicTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[97:105, ],
#> caption = 'Reasons for not taking drugs for long term disease',
#> booktabs = TRUE,
#> digits = 2,
#> col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) %>%
#> kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) %>%
#> kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Recent illness
#> ```{r recentTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[106:107, ],
#> caption = 'Prevalence of recent illness',
#> booktabs = TRUE,
#> digits = 2,
#> col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) %>%
#> kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) %>%
#> kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ### Reasons for not taking drugs for recent illness
#> ```{r reasonsRecentTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[108:116, ],
#> caption = 'Reasons for not taking drugs for recent illness',
#> booktabs = TRUE,
#> digits = 2,
#> col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) %>%
#> kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) %>%
#> kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```