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This is the fifth release of odkr (third development release). In this version, the following have been implemented:

  • updated the pull_remote and push_data functions to match new CLI syntax for ODK Briefcase

  • change license from MIT to GPL3

  • removed hex logo as per feedback on ODK branding guidelines

  • general package maintenance (documentation, external site)

  • addressed issues raised by users with regard to package not installable; error arising from a wrong .Rbuildignore specification


This is the fourth release of odkr (second development release).


This is the third release of odkr. This is a developmental release. odkr has been archived in CRAN (see previous release). Current plan is to continue development of odkr outside of CRAN.

odkr 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2018-06-03

In this version, I have implemented changes to respond to package issues from CRAN check results.

  • The get_briefcase() function, I changed the download url for ODK Briefcase to the permanent download url provided by the developers at This now resolves the issue of apparent download of corrupt jar file.

  • All briefcase-related functions now include a check on runtime of Java availability and Java version checking for a minimum Java version of Java 8. I followed the testing script specified by CRAN in the Writing R Extensions manual.

odkr 0.1.3

CRAN release: 2018-02-09

In this version, I have implemented the following changes:

  • In the DESCRIPTION, all mention of Open Data Kit or ODK I have put in single quotes. In addition, I put in single quotes mentions of ODK software derivatives such as ODK Briefcase and ODK Aggregate to be consistent with format.

  • In the DESCRIPTION, all mention of Java has been put in single quotes consistent with format for software names.

  • In the DESCRIPTION, added URL of Open Data Kit in angle brackets for auto-linking

  • In the various functions, I have corrected mistake of specifying a default write/save directory path. Instead, as advised, I have kept these as empty arguments that user need to specify and placed check statements when user forgets to input directory paths needed.

  • As consequence of previous, I have re-coded the examples to use tempdir() as suggested to specify a test location for arguments needing directory path inputs

  • As consequence of previous, I have re-coded tests such that they use the new specified syntax of no default write/save directories.

odkr 0.1.2

  • Resolve issue in testing specifically the test to check whether the function export_data() produces the output test.cscv. Upon checking, logs show that indeed test.csv is produced but the way the test is structured is that depending on build parameters, the test doesn’t look for the test.csv file in the appropriate location. For this, I re-worked both the test call to the function to specify clearly where the output goes and then worked on the actual test to check in the correct directory for test.csv.

odkr 0.1.1

  • Resolve issues with how download.file() handles downloads under the Windows platform.

  • In previous version, the mode argument in download file was not specified. This was fine for Linux and macOS as downloaded file worked accordingly.

  • For Windows, without specifying mode, downloaded file is recognised as either invalid or corrupted hence producing the errors noted on testing. Now, the mode argument has been set to "wb" in the get_briefcase() function.

odkr 0.1.0

Initial release of odkr