3  The RAM-OP questionnaire

Modules of the RAM-OP questionnaire are presented in the RAM-OP indicators section of this manual. The entire RAM-OP questionnaire is presented in the following pages. This questionnaire is composed of many tested and validated components. The order of the questions and the format of the questionnaire have been tested in several settings (Chad, Dadaab Camps, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Tanzania) over a period of three years. It is strongly recommended that you do not change the questionnaire, other than translating it into a language other than English and necessary localisation (i.e. adapting the questions to meet the language, cultural, and other requirements of a specific target population in order to ensure that the words, names, terms, and concepts used are culturally appropriate and understandable to them), unless you are very sure of what you are doing. Modifying the questionnaire may have one or more of the following consequences:

When translating the questionnaire you should check if validated question sets for each indicator module are already available in your local language. This is likely to be the case for the food intake, severe food insecurity, activities of daily living, mental health and well-being, dementia, water / sanitation / hygiene, and visual impairment indicator modules. There may also be local language training modules and guidelines available for these modules.

Localisation is recommended for:

The question numbers used on the questionnaire are the names of variables used in the RAM-OP data entry, data checking, and data analysis software. Leaving these as they are will be helpful if you intend to use the RAM-OP data-entry and data-analysis software.

The questionnaire can be downloaded (in ODT and PDF format) from http://www.brixtonhealth.com/qesRAMOP.zip