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The plots include:

  • Age by sex (pyramid plot) - a wrapper function to the pyramid_plot() function to create an age by sex pyramid plot

  • Distribution of MUAC (overall and by sex) - histogram of MUAC distribution

  • Distribution of meal frequency (overall and by sex)

  • Distribution of dietary diversity score (overall and by sex)

  • Distribution of K6 (overall and by sex)

  • Distribution of ADL (overall and by sex)

  • Plot of WASH indicators

  • Plot of dementia screen (CSID) indicators

  • Plot of disability (Washington Group - WG) indicators

  • Plot of household hunger scale (HHS) indicators

  • Plot of income indicators


  save_chart = TRUE,
  filename = file.path(tempdir(), "populationPyramid")

chart_op_muac(x, save_chart = TRUE, filename = file.path(tempdir(), "chart"))

chart_op_mf(x, save_chart = TRUE, filename = file.path(tempdir(), "chart"))

chart_op_dds(x, save_chart = TRUE, filename = file.path(tempdir(), "chart"))

chart_op_k6(x, save_chart = TRUE, filename = file.path(tempdir(), "chart"))

chart_op_adl(x, save_chart = TRUE, filename = file.path(tempdir(), "chart"))

chart_op_wash(x, save_chart = TRUE, filename = file.path(tempdir(), "chart"))

chart_op_csid(x, save_chart = TRUE, filename = file.path(tempdir(), "chart"))

chart_op_wg(x, save_chart = TRUE, filename = file.path(tempdir(), "chart"))

chart_op_hhs(x, save_chart = TRUE, filename = file.path(tempdir(), "chart"))

chart_op_income(x, save_chart = TRUE, filename = file.path(tempdir(), "chart"))



Indicators dataset produced by create_op()


Logical. Should chart be saved? Default is TRUE.


Prefix to add to output chart filename or a directory path to save output to instead of working directory. Default is a path to a temporary directory and a suggested filename. Ignored if save_chart is FALSE.


The respective plot in PNG format saved in the specified path if filename is a path unless when save_chart is FALSE in which case the plot is shown on current graphics device


# Create age by sex pyramid plot using indicators.ALL dataset
chart_op_age(x = indicators.ALL)
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> pdf 
#>   2 

# Create MUAC histogram using indicators.ALL dataset
chart_op_muac(x = indicators.ALL)
#> pdf 
#>   2 

# Create meal frequency chart using indicators.ALL dataset
chart_op_mf(x = indicators.ALL)
#> pdf 
#>   2 

# Create DDS chart using indicators.ALL dataset
chart_op_dds(x = indicators.ALL)
#> pdf 
#>   2 

# Create chart using indicators.ALL dataset
chart_op_k6(x = indicators.ALL)
#> pdf 
#>   2 

# Create chart using indicators.ALL dataset
chart_op_adl(x = indicators.ALL)
#> pdf 
#>   2 

# Create chart using indicators.ALL dataset
chart_op_wash(x = indicators.ALL)
#> pdf 
#>   2 

# Create chart using indicators.ALL dataset
chart_op_csid(x = indicators.ALL)
#> pdf 
#>   2 

# Create chart using indicators.ALL dataset
chart_op_wg(x = indicators.ALL)
#> pdf 
#>   2 

# Create chart using indicators.ALL dataset
chart_op_hhs(x = indicators.ALL)
#> pdf 
#>   2 

# Create chart using indicators.FEMALES and indicators.MALES
# dataset
chart_op_income(x = indicators.ALL)
#> pdf 
#>   2