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Create table and report chunk of RAM-OP results


report_op_table(estimates, filename = paste(tempdir(), "ramOP", sep = "/"))

report_op_demo(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))

report_op_food(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))

report_op_hunger(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))

report_op_disability(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))

report_op_adl(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))

report_op_mental(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))

report_op_dementia(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))

report_op_health(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))

report_op_oedema(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))

report_op_anthro(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))

report_op_screen(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))

report_op_visual(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))

report_op_income(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))

report_op_wash(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))

report_op_misc(output_format = c("html", "docx", "odt", "pdf"))



A data.frame of RAM-OP results produced by merge_op().


Prefix to append to report output filename. Can be specified as a path to a specific directory where to output tabular results CSV file. Defaults to a path to a temporary directory with a filename starting with ramOP.


Either "html", "docx", "odt", or "pdf". Defaults to "html".


Report of tabulated estimated results saved in CSV format in current working directory or in the specified path or a reporting chunk for specific indicators.


Mark Myatt and Ernest Guevarra


x <- estimate_classic(
  x = create_op(testSVY), w = testPSU, replicates = 9
#>  Checking if demo, food, hunger, disability, adl, mental, dementia, health, income, wash, anthro, oedema, screening, visual, misc are RAM-OP indicators
#>  All of `indicators` are RAM-OP indicators
#>  x has the appropriate/expected data structure
#>  x has the appropriate/expected data structure
#>  x has the appropriate/expected data structure

y <- estimate_probit(
  x = create_op(testSVY), w = testPSU, replicates = 9
#>  Checking if demo, food, hunger, disability, adl, mental, dementia, health, income, wash, anthro, oedema, screening, visual, misc are RAM-OP indicators
#>  All of `indicators` are RAM-OP indicators
#>  x has the appropriate/expected data structure
#>  x has the appropriate/expected data structure
#>  x has the appropriate/expected data structure
#>  x has the appropriate/expected data structure
#>  x has the appropriate/expected data structure
#>  x has the appropriate/expected data structure

z <- merge_op(x, y, prop2percent = TRUE)

#> # Sample description
#> ## Type of respondents
#> ```{r respondentTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[1:4, ],
#>   caption = 'Type of respondent',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Age structure by sex
#> ```{r agePlot}
#> oldr::chart_op_age(x = oldr::create_op(svy = svy), save_chart = FALSE)
#> ```
#> ```{r ageTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[5:10, ],
#>   caption = 'Respondent age group by sex',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Respondents by sex
#> ```{r sexTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[11:12, ],
#>   caption = 'Sex of respondents',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Marital status of respondents
#> ```{r marriedTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[13:19, ],
#>   caption = 'Marital status',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> # Food security
#> ## Household hunger score
#> ```{r hhsPlot}
#> oldr::chart_op_hhs(x = oldr::create_op(svy = svy), save_chart = FALSE)
#> ```
#> ```{r hhsTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[48:50, ],
#>   caption = 'Household hunger score',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> # Diet
#> ## Meal frequency
#> ```{r mfPlot}
#> oldr::chart_op_mf(x = oldr::create_op(svy = svy), save_chart = FALSE)
#> ```
#> ```{r mfTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[20, ],
#>   caption = 'Meal frequency',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Dietary diversity
#> ```{r ddsPlot}
#> oldr::chart_op_dds(x = oldr::create_op(svy = svy), save_chart = FALSE)
#> ```
#> ```{r ddsTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[21:32, ],
#>   caption = 'Dietary diversity',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Nutrient intake
#> ```{r nutrientTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[33:47, ],
#>   caption = 'Nutrient intake',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> # Disability
#> ## Overall
#> ```{r wgPlot}
#> oldr::chart_op_wg(x = oldr::create_op(svy = svy), save_chart = FALSE)
#> ```
#> ```{r wgTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[75:79, ],
#>   caption = 'Overall disability',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Vision
#> ```{r visionTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[51:54, ],
#>   caption = 'Disability related to vision',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Hearing
#> ```{r hearingTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[55:58, ],
#>   caption = 'Disability related to hearing',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Mobility
#> ```{r mobilityTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[59:62, ],
#>   caption = 'Disability related to mobility',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Remembering
#> ```{r rememberingTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[63:66, ],
#>   caption = 'Disability related to remembering',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Self-care
#> ```{r selfCareTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[67:70, ],
#>   caption = 'Disability related to self-care',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```
#> ## Communicating
#> ```{r communicatingTable}
#> knitr::kable(x = resultsDF[71:74, ],
#>   caption = 'Disability related to communicating',
#>   booktabs = TRUE,
#>   digits = 2,
#>   col.names = c('Indicator', 'Type', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL', 'Est', '95% LCL', '95% UCL')) |>
#>   kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped')) |>
#>   kableExtra::add_header_above(c(' ' = 2, 'ALL' = 3, 'MALES' = 3, 'FEMALES' = 3))
#> ```